Tag Archives: Telecommuting

How to Write an Effective Personal Profile


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A key concern to bear in mind when putting together a new CV is the personal statement, sometimes called a candidate profile or career summary, that allows the employer or recruiter to quickly identify your core skills and the value that you can bring to the business. Your personal profile should be concise and persuasive enough to convince the recruiter that you are a candidate more than worth interviewing.

Summarising your entire career history into a short 50-200 word paragraph (no more) may at first seem like a daunting task. Indeed, many candidates find it difficult to stick to a few core points, and end up rambling as a result. However, following these few simple steps will enable you to quickly create a compelling profile for your CV

1. Match Your Profile to Your Job Specification

This may seem obvious, but tailoring your experience and skillset to the job description is one of the most important things you can when attempting to show how you would be perfect for the role in question. If you believe that you are a perfect fit for the role,

It’s important to read the job specification carefully and ensure not only that your skills and experience match but you reflect this in your statement.

2. First or third person?

It can be difficult to know whether you should write your profile in the first or third person, as there are no definitive rules about what is best. However, some CV writers are of the view that first person is preferable, in that it gives your CV a sense of direct authenticity that third person does not. In a CV, you are essentially telling the story of your life, and arguably, writing in the first person is most effective way to do this. Crucially, never mix the two!

3. Include the following 

-Who are you? (What is your employment background and education)?

-How will your skills help the organisation? (Be sure to match your own skills and experiences closely to the job specifications!)

 4. Finish with a career aim

This will show employer that you have ambition, and are capable of proving your skills in order to move up in their organisation. Again, try to match this to the job description or the role provided.


“As recent graduate from Strathclyde University, with a 2:1 honours degree in International Marketing, I have undertaken several internships within local start-up businesses such as Glasgow Radio and Clyde PR. These placements have enabled me to develop not only specific marketing industry experience, but also key transferable skills set in this fast-paced sector.

During placement with Glasgow Radio, I worked in the marketing team contributing to projects – such as social media campaign– and managed my own research, liaised with journalists and the digital marketing manager, put together media reports and participated in group project meetings. Using excellent communication skills, I developed and maintained successful working relationships with those round about me.

 Looking to secure a position in marketing/PR, where I can add value to the organisation and continue to build on my current skillset further”.

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Easy Ways You Can Supercharge Your Productivity While Working From Home

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Read our guide to successful homeworking!

Anyone who works from home regularly will know that working from home has some definite advantages…. But when your home is your office there can be downsides to working remotely.

Homeworkers might get to spend all day in their pyjamas, while slashing valuable time usually spent commuting. However, those who work from home may also admit to feeling their energy and motivation flagging as the day goes on.

When you work from home it is easy to lose track of your progress. This can lead to feeling more disorganised and out of control than you would in a regular office environment.

However, when done right, home working can be more productive than working in a conventional communal office. Here are are top tips for getting it right!

1. Make sure your kitchen is well stocked the night before! 

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There’s nothing more distracting than having to make an impromptu trip to the shops while trying to get stuck into the day’s tasks! The night before, check to make sure that you have food for the next day, including snacks, biscuits and supplies for making tea and coffee. Sounds simple but this will save you a lot of time, and will give you more time to be productive!

2.Take some time to think after waking up

It’s oh so tempting when working from home to sleep in as late as possible, only rising to grab the laptop before snuggling back into your duvet to start work. However, you’ll find that you are far more productive when you give yourself time to think about the day ahead. Practice mindfulness and do some gentle stretching before commencing your work.

3. Write a threefold list of tasks and rank in order of importance.

This is the best method for us, and you may find it helpful too. Divide a piece of paper into three sections, one section for tasks that are urgent, one for tasks that are important, and a third for tasks that need to be done but that can wait another day. Then fill the columns with your tasks as appropriate.

4. Never have nothing to do!

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This is crucial. The moment you feel as though you aren’t busy, your motivation levels will drop, and instead of spending time being productive you will end up spending time trying to invent things to do. To counter this, create a list of tasks that always need doing, for example, filing, organising, or writing ‘evergreen content that you can use at any point.

5. Keep a log of everything you do 

By keeping a record of all the tasks you have accomplished, you are less likely to feel as though you are losing focus. Choose the hardest tasks first and tackle them early in the morning so your stress levels decrease in the afternoon.

6. Consider relocating to a ‘Coffice’ in the afternoon 

A change of location can do wonders for your productivity, and after a morning of hard work you deserve to treat yourself to a coffee and a cake! Use this time to catch up on admin, update your social media accounts and take stock of what you have achieved, and what you mean to achieve the next day

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Getting Hired as Flexible Worker

3 you need to know when hunting for a new role

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This week saw new legislation come into place which allows all workers to request flexible working after a period of 26 weeks of continuous employment. However, there have been serious doubts as to how aware UK employers are about the change. MP Jo Swinson has argued that progress will be slow in countering  the predominant culture of ‘presenteeism’ in the UK workplace which curbs the uptake of flexible working, and limits the prospects of those who are unable to work ‘9 to 5’. For sure, there are still more than a few dinosaur CEOs who shrink from the idea of an agile modern workforce!

We at Flexiworkforce aim to offer a solution to those skilled candidates whose request for flexible working may be turned down by their employer. A specialist job site, you can be sure that every job we advertise offers some form of flexibility to fit around your lifestyle and commitments.

Looking for a new role is exciting but can also feel stressful especially after suffering a knockback or two.  Here are our top tips for getting hired as a flexible worker.

  1.       Be upfront about your availability and needs

If you find a job through Flexiworkforce, you know before the interview that some form of flexibility will be involved in the role. This is a great advantage for people who need or want flexible roles that mainstream jobs sites do not make easily accessible. However, remember make sure that you are upfront about your availability at the interview. It is far easier to make your preferred schedule known sooner rather than later. Employers will appreciate your honest and most will be willing to fit the needs of the right candidate.

  1.       Showcase productivity

It goes without saying that trust is an essential ingredient in flexible working arrangements. When you’re working from home, presenteeism is removed, meaning that your employer can only measure your productivity through results. At the interview, aim to give examples of times when you have worked well in a remote working environment, and give  examples of the results that your your hard work yielded. Instantly, the employer will come to  view you as a driven, self-motivated candidate, more than capable of working unsupervised for periods of time.

  1.      Brush up on  ‘personal branding’

In 21st century recruitment, the job doesn’t go to the best candidate. More often than not the jobs will go to the  candidate with the best online presence. Make sure that your online presence is immaculate, remove unfavourable content from social media, while deleting accounts that you no longer use regularly. Give your LinkedIn profile some love and curate the experience and skills you have acquired over the years.

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The Right to Request Flexible Working- It’s Finally Here!

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The legislation is officially coming into force today, 30th June 2014. Woohoo!

It’s finally here! UK employees now have the right to request flexible working after 26 weeks’ service, rather than only those with children under the age of 17 (or 18 if the child is disabled) and those with other caring responsibilities.

But what does this really mean? Here are a few of your top questions answered:

What counts as flexible working?

Many different modes of working can be described as flexible employment. These include:

Job sharing: This usually means two people being employed in the same role and job and splitting the hours.

Working from home: This is when the employee does some (or all) of the work from home or anywhere else other than the normal place of work.

Part time: This refers to any arrangement involving working less than full-time hours (usually by working fewer days).

Compressed hours: This means working full-time hours but over fewer days than normal.

Flexitime: The employee chooses when to start and end work (within agreed limits). Usually, the employee will have previously agreed ‘core hours’.

Annualised hours: The employee is required to undertake a certain number of hours over the year but they have some flexibility about when they work.

Staggered hours: The employee has different start, finish and break times from other workers.

Phased retirement: Now that the previous default retirement age has been phased out, older workers have more choice over their employment. This means that they might reduce their hours or work part-time.

Does the new flexible working legislation guarantee that I can work flexibly?

No, as there are reasons that your employer can use to turn down your request for flexible. However, in rejecting your request they must provide

For what reasons can my employer turn down my request for flexible working?

There are several reasons why your employer may turn down your request for flexible working. For example:

  • Implementing flexible working may involve extra costs which would be detrimental to the business
  • Flexibility would not allow the business to meet customer demand
  • It is not possible for the work to be reorganised among other staff
  • It is not possible for people to be recruited to do the work
  • Flexible working arrangements would have an effect on quality and performance
  • There is insufficient work to do during the proposed working times
  • The business is in the process of planning changes to the workforce

Where should  I go to get more information on flexible working?

If you require more information on these changes go to GOV.UK, or ACAS.

If you’re looking for a new flexible role, sign up to Flexiworkforce today!

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Happy Flexi Day!



The Benefits of a Flexible Retirement

5 Ways to Maintain Independence and Forge a Fulfilling Career After 50

Image via Life After 50

It’s 2014 and the UK’s older workers are more resilient, independent and tech-savvy than ever before. Like the majority of countries in the West, we have an aging population and, older workers are vital to the growth and maintenance of the economy. This is partly due to the removal of the previous default retirement age, which means that anyone can now continue working past State Pension age.

Although older workers are prized by many employers, ageism persists as a problem within the UK workforce, and many are victims of prejudice and discrimination at work.

Why should a competent and reliable employee be forced to ditch a career that they love, just because they’re getting on a bit?

Do you love the sense of fulfillment you get from your job? Maybe you’re thinking about starting a new career altogether. There is no time like the present, and age it no barrier to having a great career while the life you want.

  1.       Go flexible

Flexible working is the fastest growing form of employment the world over, and can include homeworking, telecommuting, job-sharing and part-time work. Flexible working can be an ideal solution for older workers who enjoy their jobs but who want to slow things down a notch. June’s upcoming changes to flexible working legislation means that every employee will have the right to request flexible working, subject to their employer.

Flexiworkforce is a job site exclusively offering exciting flexible opportunities. Our employers love experienced, skilled and conscientious over 50 workers. Say goodbye to the ‘nine to five’ and say hello to amazing flexible opportunities!

  1.       Go freelance

Another option is to take control your own schedule by going freelance.

‘This is especially suitable for seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience and contacts’.

However, even if you have no experience there is nothing to stop you from trying your hand at something new and inspiring. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to go into graphic design? Maybe you feel that now is the time to become a writer. The possibilities of freelance work are endless.

  1.       Make your own job

Alternatively, starting your own company may give you a new lease of life, inspiring new goals and broadening your horizons. This needn’t be too much of an upheaval, and could incorporate an existing past-time or hobby, such as dog-walking, jewelry making or even hosting students and teaching English as a foreign language.

  1.       Take care of yourself

Of course, this is important at any age, but never more so in your later years.  Remember to take care of your body by eating well, doing regular exercise including muscle-strengthening activities. Build a strong support network around you so you always have someone to turn to when stressed or in need to guidance.

Being proactive by doing a job you love can do wonders for your mental health and may even stave off degenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

  1.       Love your life.

It goes without saying that you should enjoy this period of your life, so it is important to not let stress take over. Don’t commit yourself to a working schedule which is detrimental to your overall well being. Take time to do what you love, see family and friends often and nurture hobbies and pastimes that bring you joy.


Image via Sydney Morning Herald