Tag Archives: CV Advice

How to Write an Effective Personal Profile


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A key concern to bear in mind when putting together a new CV is the personal statement, sometimes called a candidate profile or career summary, that allows the employer or recruiter to quickly identify your core skills and the value that you can bring to the business. Your personal profile should be concise and persuasive enough to convince the recruiter that you are a candidate more than worth interviewing.

Summarising your entire career history into a short 50-200 word paragraph (no more) may at first seem like a daunting task. Indeed, many candidates find it difficult to stick to a few core points, and end up rambling as a result. However, following these few simple steps will enable you to quickly create a compelling profile for your CV

1. Match Your Profile to Your Job Specification

This may seem obvious, but tailoring your experience and skillset to the job description is one of the most important things you can when attempting to show how you would be perfect for the role in question. If you believe that you are a perfect fit for the role,

It’s important to read the job specification carefully and ensure not only that your skills and experience match but you reflect this in your statement.

2. First or third person?

It can be difficult to know whether you should write your profile in the first or third person, as there are no definitive rules about what is best. However, some CV writers are of the view that first person is preferable, in that it gives your CV a sense of direct authenticity that third person does not. In a CV, you are essentially telling the story of your life, and arguably, writing in the first person is most effective way to do this. Crucially, never mix the two!

3. Include the following 

-Who are you? (What is your employment background and education)?

-How will your skills help the organisation? (Be sure to match your own skills and experiences closely to the job specifications!)

 4. Finish with a career aim

This will show employer that you have ambition, and are capable of proving your skills in order to move up in their organisation. Again, try to match this to the job description or the role provided.


“As recent graduate from Strathclyde University, with a 2:1 honours degree in International Marketing, I have undertaken several internships within local start-up businesses such as Glasgow Radio and Clyde PR. These placements have enabled me to develop not only specific marketing industry experience, but also key transferable skills set in this fast-paced sector.

During placement with Glasgow Radio, I worked in the marketing team contributing to projects – such as social media campaign– and managed my own research, liaised with journalists and the digital marketing manager, put together media reports and participated in group project meetings. Using excellent communication skills, I developed and maintained successful working relationships with those round about me.

 Looking to secure a position in marketing/PR, where I can add value to the organisation and continue to build on my current skillset further”.

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Does Your CV Need a Makeover?

5 Steps to a Total Resume Overhaul!


1.) Ditch your Old Style 

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It can be hard to let go of the past, but if you want to make employers see your skills and expertise in a new light, you have to shake things up a bit! If your current CV looks dated and uninspiring, bin it and start from scratch. Starting afresh will give you the perspective that you need to realise your key attributes, and the  best way to present them to an employer.

2.) Back to Basics- Then Build Up! 

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Make sure that you have the basics right! This is never more true than when a potential job is at stake. Make sure that your contact details are correct and up-to-date. Also, make sure to choose recent references if you include this on your CV.

3.) Highlight Your Best Features 


Often when building a CV, we are encouraged to stick to the traditional chronological model. However, there is nothing to stop you from putting your most relevant experience and most notable achievements at the beginning of your CV. Studies have shown that we are most likely to remember detail at the beginning and end of a document. Therefore, details that are less relevant should be relegated the the middle section of your CV or, indeed, left out altogether.

4.) Embellish and Dazzle!

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Style isn’t every thing when it comes to CVs but it certainly helps! Make sure you use an appropriate but stylish font (no Comic Sans!). Be clever with space so as not to exceed two sides of A4 paper, but try to avoid making your CV overcrowded. For more advice on how to make your CV look as professional as possible, click here.

5.) Show Off Your New Look 

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Remember to update your online profiles to match your improved CV. Many employers Google candidates before or after an interview, and social media is now crucial to personal branding. If you have an online profile or personal website, upload your new CV. Similarly, be sure to update your LinkedIn profile.